Happy Easter! Planning for the day? Take a gander at the Easter Sunday checklist to be sure you are totally prepared for the holiday!
Start a new tradition – If your family is religious, you can start a new tradition for a blessing entering us into the new season – my family has hard boiled eggs cut into quarters or pieces blessed by a priest and before brunch we stand around the dinner table and from oldest to youngest we eat a piece of the blessed eggs then say a prayer to bless our meal and give thanks
Have your easter baskets prepared – Make your Easter baskets the night before, label them to be sure you remembered all the cousins, nephews and nieces
Flowers for the adults – Give the adults in the family fresh cut flowers or potted flowers instead of Easter baskets
Dishes prepared – It’s a tradition for many to eat a feast of meat on Easter sunday being that good friday has a no meat rule, bring the dish or dessert you prepared for the meal – something in the spirit of the Easter holiday
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Easter Activity – If there are kids in the family or even for fun-loving crafty adults, dye eggs, create a easter egg hunt, scavenger hunt or make cut-out bunny masks – you can even venture to the mall or a location to take photos with the Easter bunny – if you really want to get into the spirit you can have a member of the family dress up like the easter bunny it brings joy especially for the little ones!